Tuesday, February 17, 2009

a blog post lacking creativity.

so i just went on a date. it was perfect. i really think it might work out between us. dinner was very laid back, and i totally felt like myself. everything seems right. i'm trying not to count my chickens before they hatch... but margaret clark just might be the one :)

so i have recently had an epiphany. this epiphany covered a lot of different areas of my life, but one major part was in the area of my schoolwork. i desperately need to be a better student. no matter how many pep talks i give myself, i still always seem to fall short. an intervention was absolutely necessary, and it took place last night in the form of tough love from graham. he made me stay up last night until the last word of my paper was written and the last problem of my math homework was submitted. i was not happy, but this homework-doing would not have taken place on my own... so thanks spenc! it feels like a new beginning.

so my roomsmate has been sick. you probably know her; her name is katie kallam. she's pretty cool. a lot of times i forget how cool she is. then i am oh so painfully reminded of her coolness when i am forced to live without it aka she is stuck in birmingham puking her brains out. (sorry if that is too graphic for you... you are dealing with a nursing major here.) thus i have spent the last 24 hours alone thinking about how cool she is. this afternoon she returned, and now i can bask in her coolness again. 

so in closing, i will note that i have been wearing the same clothes for the past 24 hours. this newfound focus on my schoolwork has taken a toll on my personal hygiene. i will find a balance... soon hopefully. 

"stay or leave
i want you not to go 
but you should
it was good, as good goes
i want you not to go
but you did" 

someone who recently discovered dave
(thank you hillers)

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