Wednesday, January 14, 2009

pathetic salsa dancing

let me take you back with me to last night when katie k and i made a little venture over to the always lovely "tulip towers" (the name has been changed for the protection of all involved in this story. safety first. we've learned that lesson.). we have made this trek countless times over the past six months, and every time we face the daunting task of getting through the front doors and onto the elevator without having an act card that works in said dorm. we have had a variety of experiences with the sketchy residence of this place because they are a necessity for us to successfully make it to the fourth floor. well last night we thankfully caught the main door as some people were leaving (sketchy people, i am sure). katie and i were chatting freely about goodness knows what as we approached the elevator. we were the only two there, and as if it were habit, i pulled out my act card and tried to swipe it. to you, reader, this story may seem unnecessary, but that is where you are wrong. "tulip" is not a warm or cozy place. you do not feel at home when you arrive, and for me to feel like my act card and i belonged there is saying something. i think it has a deeper meaning... probably not though.

along different lines, i made a discovery about myself today, not a very good one though. i avoid people and then turn around and put the blame on them for not talking to me. this, i decided, makes me a terrible person. i'm sorry william hoke. you ran great tonight at the rec. and if you, dear blog reader, are ever given this treatment by me, just come up to me and slap me or something. that will teach me a lesson. 

in other news, i was very productive today. folded laundry, an empty inbox, class attendance, and completed lab hours were all the result of my desire to check things off my "todo list." be proud of me please. this is quite a feat.

we are still on the hunt for a blog name. suggestions are welcome... encouraged actually. the title of this blog entry was in the running but got the boot, for good reasons. one of those reasons is because you have no idea what we are talking about... and never will. yet another roommate secret. i like those; they keep our massive following guessing (that's what we tell ourselves.).

(because i felt scholarly today)

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