Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Oy, with the poodles already.

Memo to all female students of the University of Alabama: If it's cold enough for boots, it's too cold for shorts.

Phew, it felt good to get that off my chest. This, of course, is excluding the scenario where said female student is wearing leggings under the shorts. That is a-ok. I myself partake in this fashion choice. However, what I don't understand is bare legs when your feet are shoved into furry boots to keep your toes warm. Aren't your legs cold? Why are you sacrificing your thighs, knees, and calves to the elements while carefully protecting your feet? Do the boots really help to keep you warm if your legs are freezing? These are the questions that haunt me as I walk from Lloyd to Morgan on a Monday morning.

And, while we're on the subject of pet peeves, I feel the need to put this one out in the universe: Why can't you wait until the teacher as actually finished teaching the class before you pack up? Is class really that miserable that you can't wait five minutes? Do you realize that you're missing out on information that could appear on a test? Well, you're distracting me from gaining these last minute notes. 

So, now I sound like a really negative person. Maybe I am. 

You may have noticed that the title of our blog has changed to "no name" in the past 24 hours. We have seen the light and realized that internetland is no Disneyland, and we, thus, need to not reveal our whereabouts to all of blogdom. So, until we come up with a new name, we are no name. I don't know if it's possible to rename the URL. 

I'm watching the Seinfeld where Elaine dates a guy who's obsessed with "Desperado" by the Eagles, and it's really making me laugh. The sad thing is that I relate to this guy. I find myself distant and distracted in conversation when I hear a song I love. 

Now, to get around to my roomie story, which was my initial reason for blogging. Kate, Katie B., and I decided to go on a walk today. We went down by the river and decided to go the opposite way of the paved river walk. It is blocked off by a fence, but we quickly hopped that and set off down a woody trail. The further we went, the more rugged and treacherous the trail. Several times we thought the trail was ending, but we pressed on. We decided that Kate was Huck, I was Tom, and Katie B. was Jim. I think those descriptions are fitting. We finally reached the end of our trail under the bridge that crosses into Northport. We climbed the hill to stand next to the busy road. We had visions of people we know driving by, wondering what the heck we were doing on the side of the road. We felt pretty accomplished. I highly recommend the journey. 
Good thing I brought my phone so we could document it in pictures.

Ok, now time to go catch up on the Bachelor. Don't judge.

1 comment:

  1. hooray for pics!! and a wonderful adventure. repeat soon plz.
