Wednesday, January 21, 2009

call on me

hello. hello. it is good to be back. katie k and i took a little blogging sabbatical in the mountains this weekend. in turn, we are both posting today (cause we just love it that much), so bonus for you, reader!

i really appreciate katie k's post cause i am a list maker too. we are very compatible in that regard. every now and then we even make a joint list. that's always special. but here and now, i am not going to tell you more of our list- making tactics. instead i am going to attempt to take you back to the time we spent in the mountains this past weekend, a rather colossal task... cause it was just that good. 

12 college kids. 5 hour car ride. 1 cabin. and snow. that is the recipe for a successful mlk weekend. we spent our first evening watching old disney movies, building forts, and having dance parties. childish you might think, but oh how wrong you are. we went to sleep that night in hopes that the next morning we would wake up to a winter wonderland. and that is exactly what happened. i woke up that morning to sweet mallie drew's voice telling me that it had snowed during the night. next thing i knew i was running around in the snow in my pajamas. not the wisest idea, but definitely worth it. breakfast that morning was a team effort. the end product was eggs, grits, bacon, bagels, cereal, and cinnamon rolls... a feast as some would say. the next few hours would consist of every snow activity imaginable. we had snow ball fights, went sledding, and ended by building a snowman. that afternoon was spent by the fire reading books, watching movies, and, in my case, napping. my nap ended with a horrible drooling incident which was rather ironic because pre-nap hill had just told a story about drooling. after riding out the embarrassment, i went down stairs where i encountered the titanic (not the actual boat but the movie... a little bit of a let down). celine , as always, sucked me right in. i felt as if i went down with the ship. however, i bounced back pretty quick, and after a nice warm shower, i was ready for the next activity. the plans for that night were to go to a restaurant right down the road and have a fancy dinner. we kinda hit a wall with that plan when we realized we were iced in. the solution we came up with was to cook for ourselves. and thus began our big adventure. with debell on the grill and ain't to proud to beg on the radio, we whipped up a delicious candle-lit dinner (thank you, hill). looking up and down the table that night made me so thankful for the people god has placed in my life. after a massive dishwashing extravaganza, the board games came out. taboo was the game of choice. although team 1 was the dominant group, team 2 had heart. just take a guess as to which team i was on. after the game, the competitive spirits needed to calm down, so we put in a couple of movies. i found myself watching "grease" with will, robert, and frank. we watched in awe as every line in the movie was a little bit cruder than the last. it's amazing the things in movies you don't catch as a child. to end the night, we had a pillow fight. this was not your typical feather-filled pillow fight; it was an all out brawl. what was learned from this experience? well... anna foley has a killer bit, katie k is claustrophobic, and i could probably survive a mosh pit. all in all, the weekend was a blast... a step away from reality. thank you for that, mallie drew!

in other news that cannot be ignored, i locked my keys in the car while the car was on. didn't know that was possible , but let me assure you, it is. 

(because katie k wrote a free verse poem about her today... emphasis on the free verse)

1 comment:

  1. HOOORAY!!!! First comment goes to me! Graham told me about your mountain trip. A bit jealous.. But i am glad that ya'll had a great trip. I think that another mountain trip would be in order.. And i'll be a traveling chef for free... I mean everyone needs a personal chef and i could be that guy.. haha

    Oh and i think that katie k's free verse poem need to be up on here.
