Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Almost Famous

So, there were many wonderful things about the recent Kallam family trip to NYC, but among the highlights is the celebrity sightings that went down. I'm not talking seeing Johnny Depp and Megan Fox on Letterman (which we did). No, I'm talking "Oh my gosh! Is that?" and then I play paparazzi as these poor people try to live their normal lives.

First, we were casually enjoying our matinee show of Shrek: The Musical (which was awesome, by the way) when a woman on our row comes back from the bathroom at intermission and whisper-yells to her friend "NICHOLAS CAGE IS HERE. HE'S IN THE LOBBY." Well, immediately the entire Kallam family is on our feet on our way to the lobby acting as if we have a sudden need for Twizzlers. It took me a second to spot him, but finally I saw Ghost Rider himself towering above the crowd with his straw hat and sunglasses on INSIDE the theatre. Very inconspicuous. His little kids were clambering for his attention as he glanced around trying not to be noticed. Everyone around him did the whole I'm-not-gonna-act-like-I'm-staring-but-I'm-really-gonna-watch-his-every-move thing, myself included. As the second act began, I noted his seat right below us and watched as he tried to get his kids to behave and didn't clap or crack a smile throughout the rest of the show. There was a really awkward moment where he got up to leave right before curtain call, but his kid pitched a fit so he sat back down and EVERYONE noticed. Here he is:
Like I said, I was creepin' from the balcony. I should have asked him not to make any more National Treasure movies.

Ok, second scenario. I'm sitting in LaGuardia airport, watching the luggage while my parents check us in. This guy with a heavy New York accent sits down a couple of seats over talking on his phone. Of course I started eavesdropping on his conversation. He was talking about how his dog got killed by a pit bull, etc. Nothing too exciting. But then, he mentions that he is there to escort some VIP flying first class through the airport. I perked up at this. Direct quote: "Yeah, dis guy ain'ta celebrity so I'm not gonna break my back fah dis guy. I don't even know how ta say his last name... Doo-ham-ull? Yeah, Josh. So anyway, about my dog..." WHAT?! Josh Duhamel? Of Win a Date With Tad Hamilton and Transformers fame? The guy that's married to Fergie?! A B-rate celebrity is coming through this airport?! So, of course when he went outside to meet the black SUV, I watched through the window and just HAPPENED to go through security at the same time as them. He was really tall and kinda sweaty. It was kinda sad though cause he was looking around waiting for people to recognize him and no one really did. I "texted" in his direction and got some sweet iPhone pics of him. It was funny to watch him go through security with all the regular peeps. See, stars really are just like US! (I read too much Us Weekly). I also thought it was funny that this other guy had no idea who he was. 

Ignore the fat, old guy in the foreground. So there you have it, I have a future with People magazine.

Your favorite paparazzi,
Katie K.


  1. ahhh i'm jealous! this is like my dream, so so so many celebrity sightings!!

  2. which one is josh duhamel?

  3. the guy in the black hat and shirt! duh.
    nic cage is the one in the straw hat.
